The BK5K Road Race is held to support youth organizations in Winona, MN, Greensboro, NC, Indianapolis, IN and the surrounding communities. All donations to the BK5K Youth Fund are used to support youth-focused nonprofits through our annual granting process. Grants are awarded based on the applying organization’s need, fiscal viability, and benefits to youth development. Every dollar counts and goes directly to supporting youth. We thank you for considering donating to this great cause.
To donate online, click the donate button below which will direct you to a new page where you can donate through PayPal or through a debit or credit card. Note that it will say “Donate to Winona Community Foundation” as they are our fiscal sponsor.
To donate online, click the donate button below which will direct you to a new page where you can donate through PayPal or through a debit or credit card. Note that it will say “Donate to Winona Community Foundation” as they are our fiscal sponsor.
- Fill in all required information.
- Click “Add special instructions to the seller”.
- If you are donating on behalf of a company or organization, enter “BK5K – your sponsoring business name” into the special instructions.
- If you are donating as an individual, please be sure to at least enter “BK5K” so your donation is directed to the appropriate fund.
- Check the box marked “Share your mailing address with Winona Community Foundation so they can acknowledge your donation.” and complete the Contact Information section.
- Click “Donate Now”.
If you would prefer to donate in the form of a check, please mail to:
BK5K Youth Fund
Fastenal Company
Attn: Ellen Stolts
2001 Theurer Blvd
Winona, MN 55987
BK5K Youth Fund
Fastenal Company
Attn: Ellen Stolts
2001 Theurer Blvd
Winona, MN 55987